Game-Changing Baits and Lures
Since 1999, Carr Specialty Baits, Inc. has been busy revolutionizing the fishing industry with our game-changing brand of baits and lures called Fishbites. Family owned and operated in St. Augustine, FL, we pride ourselves on making reliably consistent fishing products for anglers of all ages around the world. Fishbites baits and lures are made with pride in the Sunshine State USA – The Fishing Capital of The World. is the ONLY site where orders are shipped fresh from the factory.
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I was super skeptical about using these at first but over the past 4 days, I’ve probably caught over 200 sea trout speckled trout on the Fishbites Fight Club Shrimp. These things are tough – I used 2 baits and probably got a hundred on each one.
- Timothy Thurman
I never trusted artificial in the past until I had a friend give me some Fishbites! Out fishes any other artificial and in my opinion out fishes live bait while surf fishing. Highly recommend giving them a try! My favorite scent is the sand flea! Good luck!
– John Lindecamp
I swear by Fishbites for surf fishing. We bought a pack and used a half strip on the hook shaft with either clam or mullet strip on the shank. With this set up we were literally getting a bite every cast, usually within 2 minutes of the bait hitting the water. If the bites took much longer we very often found that the Fishbites strip was missing. We caught blues, kingfish, trout and catfish.
– Mark Farmen
Great bait works good and doesn’t come off the hook easy have caught a lot of fish off of the same piece of bait.
– Brad Simpson
Recently I been throwing Fishbites Dirty Boxer Curly Tail. The Fishbites swim more true and don’t spin like the gulp swimming mullet, they last 20X longer than the gulps and pin fish and other fish don’t pick the tails off. The Fishbites dont dry up as fast as the gulps, I have never caught trout often off gulp, but trout will hit these Fishbites, redfish smoke them and flounder can’t resist them. Gulps are great baits and are proven to catch fish, but in my true opinion the Fight Club Fishbites are much better bait, swim better, last longer, tougher, and catches more fish. I truly wasn’t a believer but I am now.
– Eddie Cabler
I was very skeptical, but they work great. My wife loves that I don’t smell like bait when I get home.
– Dillon Stoddard
I have been using Fishbites for 8 years, I fish saltwater and sometimes when I get tired of loosing bait I put on a Fishbites strip and catch red drum and flounder and just about any fish out there! I have told many people about Fishbites and they are really surprised when they find out they make lures too! My fishing team Reel Keepers uses Fishbites, they are slowly learning they work, the fish love them and they are safe for the fish, good nutrients!
– Hope Palmer Slaughter
Have been using the Fishbites Fight Club lures and they have been great. They are strong and durable and the fish have been messing them up like crazy! Caught close to 10 oversized reds on one lure.
– Tyler Husky
I personally began to you use them in the surf and caught hundreds of whiting on the orange clam. I consistently caught fish each trip 2 to 1 over my naturally bait offerings! I then began to use the paddle tail and shrimp tails in the mosquito lagoon where I live and they are now my all time favorite for the redfish and trout.
– Craig Patterson
Picked up some assorted baits based on watching BamaBeachBum fishing with them over on YouTube. Had an amazing day fishing, only used Fishbites and they worked great!
– Craig Limm