How do Fishbites® work (Cut Baits & Fight Club Lures)?

Fishbites® work on the same principles that natural baits do. Our cut baits (Fish’n Strips®, E-Z Baits, etc.) mimic a piece of exposed flesh on a hook (shrimp, clam, etc.). The exposed flesh releases chemicals that dissolve into the water and create a powerful scent trail. Fish detect those scents, then track them and attempt to eat the flesh. When the fish strikes, they also get the flavor associated with the scent they tracked which is why we call our attractants “Flavor/Scents”. Our cut baits also have a texture that mimics their natural prey so well, fish tend to bite longer on Fishbites® than other artificial baits, giving you better chances to Set The Hook®.

Fishbites Fight Club Lures® bring a third dimension to your fishing game by offering a variety of popular lure-body shapes which release the flavor/scents described above. To better understand the creation of our flavor/scent technology, please check out our video “Inventing Fishbites”.

Why can’t I smell anything “fishy” in Fishbites®? How can your products work without these odors?

Contrary to popular belief, there is little in common between what humans smell in the air and what fish detect in the water. Odors that persist in the air do not necessarily dissolve in water to become detectable or attractive to fish. That’s why Fishbites® unique technology replicates the natural chemicals fish actually do use to detect and track their prey. While the Flavor/Scents used in Fishbites® have very little odor to humans, they release a very potent trail of feeding stimulants into the water column as they dissolve or interact with the water around them. Fish will detect these chemicals and track them down. This is what makes Fishbites® such an ingenious breakthrough in the realm of artificial baits.

How should I store my Fishbites® cut baits?

Let’s start with how not to store them. You should avoid leaving them in a hot car or shed for any prolonged length of time. This is especially true in the summer. Heat accelerates a condition in the baits called the Maillard Reaction otherwise known as the Browning Process. It’s the same process that turns apples brown when you slice them open. In Fishbites® this reaction has been slowed down by many thousands of times, but it is not completely eliminated. If your Fishbites® do darken slightly over time, there’s no need to worry. The real working components of Fishbites® are the scent and durability, neither of which is affected by slight changes in color. Because the baits darken from the outside-in, the original color may return as those outer layers dissolve in the water. To see if this will happen, simply cut one of the baits and see if the original color appears underneath the darkened surface layer. Likewise, Fishbites® may get tougher over long periods of time, but they will soften in the water and catch fish all the same. More on that by going to - How will I know if my Fishbites® baits are no longer useful before I take them out fishing?

Let’s give you a few fast suggestions for storage. While fishing, just keep the Fishbites® bag zipped up and dry as you fish. They’re easy to keep in your shirt or pants pocket depending on how you’re fishing just avoid having the bag fully immersed. If you fish a lot and go through a bag every couple of weeks or so, you can simply leave them in your tackle box keeping in mind to avoid the high temperatures and locations previously mentioned.

For longer term storage (weeks and months), you should put your baits in the refrigerator. This will greatly slow or prevent color changes. Because the baits have very little odor to humans, they will not “skunk-up” your refrigerator. Doing this will help keep your baits closer to their original condition for many, many months. We recommend putting the bags in a freezer bag to prevent dehydration if you’re storing for more than a month.

How will I know if my Fishbites® cut baits are no longer useful before I take them out fishing?

The first and worst culprit that would keep our baits from being easy-to-use and effective is not browning, but dehydration. A new or properly stored bag of cut baits should feel as soft and pliable as your own skin. Once the baits get to the point where they snap like a dry twig when bent, they are most likely done. If they’re too tough to hook, but don’t deeply crack or snap when bent, they should be salvageable. Simply dunk the baits in a cup of water for 10 seconds. Remove, tamp dry and find a place to let them continue air-drying where your pets cannot get to them. Let the freshly soaked baits sit out somewhere (not on a paper towel) for a 2-3 hours so they can dry to the point of not being slimy or sticky.

If the baits are slightly or even significantly darker than the pictures you saw on the internet, they are most likely still good because the active ingredients are un-affected by the color change - see question “How should I store my Fishbites®?” To prevent them from sticking together in the bag, sprinkle the baits with a light coating of Corn Starch.

If the baits have any kind of mold growth (extremely rare) they are done and were most likely part of an incorrectly made batch from the very start. Please notify us if this happens.

Are Fishbites® better than natural bait?

Fishbites® have all the advantages of natural bait, and then some. Fishbites® feeding stimulants mimic those of a fishes’ natural prey but are more refined and potent, so they tend to catch more fish. Fishbites® are much more durable than most natural baits and made to withstand the relentless strikes of bait stealers, and numerous long casts. They also store well for long periods of time, saving you numerous trips to the bait store. Fishbites® will also not “skunk-up” your refrigerator if long-term storage is needed. Lastly, all our baits are non-toxic and biodegradable, and are not harmful to fish if swallowed.

What if my pet eats my Fishbites®?

Fishbites® are made from natural ingredients and contain no known toxins. In fact, upwards of 90% of our baits are made with FDA approved chemicals used in human foods and beverages. With that said, it is wise to store you baits where pets cannot access them because they will fervently try. Driven by their heightened sense of smell, house pets and other mammals will pick up some of the active flavor/scents used in Fishbites® and try to eat them. While we know they won’t get poisoned, we also know that there may be some unpleasant side-effects for pet owners. Some of the components in our products are also used in laxatives and will act accordingly in your pet’s digestive system. If your pet does eat a bag of bait, make sure you take them out frequently for a couple of days and that they drink or have access to plenty of water to fend off dehydration.

If your pet eats our Fishbites Fight Club Lures®, they should pass the baits just as they do other food items. The lures are made from a hydrogel that is commonly used in the medical industry for internal medicine.

What’s the difference between the “Fast Acting” and “Longer Lasting” formulas?

Most of our baits come in both “Fast Acting” (red/ orange packaging) and “Longer Lasting” (blue packaging) formulas. Maximum scent for minimum bucks is the motto for our Fast Acting baits. The rate of release and the percentage of stimulants have both been kicked up a notch in order to make the Fast Acting baits live up to their name. If target fish are plentiful and bait stealers are few, then the Fast Acting baits are a good bet. The gel used in these baits also make them ideal for late fall, winter, or early spring fishing or in places where water temperatures stay below 65 degrees. In waters above 70F – 75F, our Longer Lasting formula provides extra durability for extended periods of time and make a good choice for offshore bottom fishing, surf fishing, or when you’re in the presence of numerous pesky bait stealers. The gel is made to last longer in these warmer water temperatures, plus it has an embedded layer of mesh to keep the baits on the hook.

What’s the difference between Fishbites® cut baits (Fish’n Strips®, Bag O’ Worms®, E-Z Baits) and Fishbites Fight Club® Lures?

Our cut baits use a water soluble get that slowly dissolved in water – releasing the flavor/scents that have been infused into it. The cut baits also use either a mesh or fiber base to help keep them on the hook while fishing.Fishbites Fight Club® Lures don’t dissolve in water like the cut baits do. They are made from a hydrogel that interacts with the surrounding water – releasing the flavor/scents that have been infused into them. Fishbites Fight Club Lures® biodegrade in the water much the same way as wood does

How can I tell when it’s time to change my bait?

Generally, each piece of Fishbites® will last between 15-45 minutes. A lot of different things can affect the baits durability including water temperatures, currents, bait stealers and fishing style. You’ll know when it’s time to put a new piece of Fishbites on your hook when there’s nothing left of the product but the mesh. With the Fast Acting formula baits, they will completely dissolve away. Even a piece of Fishbites that’s been beat up by strikes or bait stealers will still be releasing feeding stimulants as long as the gel hasn’t completely dissolved. If the mesh somehow gets badly torn or weakened, this would be another time to re-bait or add another small piece to your hook so you don’t risk losing a fish. Use sharp scissors, meat shears, or game shears if you have trouble sliding the mesh off your hook. Do not attempt to remove the mesh with your teeth.

Are Fishbites safe to handle for people with a shellfish allergy?

Yes! All of our baits are 100% synthetic and do not contain any shellfish or shellfish oils. This makes our baits completely safe for those with shellfish allergies.


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