Marcus Wiley

Marcus Wiley is a Florida native, born and raised in St. Augustine, Florida. Both of his grandmothers loved fishing and had the opportunity to pass the love on to their grandchildren. His parents have always taken him and his brother Marcus out to spend valuable time together by taking us fishing every weekend. They were both taught how to fish at local piers, the Matanzas inlet, and freshwater banks at an earlier age. Marcus learned about Fishbites through a close friend about two years ago, but he and his brother were hesitant to give it a try. Nonetheless, the Wiley Boys began to see significant success with the product within that year and started experimenting with various color and bait combinations. Marcus has fished with Fishbites in every weather condition and gained nothing but success with the product. Fishbites have always shinned brightly in all types of fishing, from recreational to competitive tournaments. The Wiley Boys enjoy taking their family and friends out to experience Fishbites in action.