Fishbites® Fast Acting E-Z Shrimp




Product Description

Available in 1/2″ wide, about 12″ long ribbons

Just cut it, hook it and cast it. All you need is sharp scissors. How EZ is that? E-Z baits can be used on a bare hook or as a trailer on a jig or skirt. Each bait strip is 1/2″ wide and about 12″ long. Use them to catch a wide variety of saltwater species. The Fast Acting formula is made with a special fiber-infused gel that gets the flavor/scent dispersed quickly into the water column. There is no cloth mesh in center so once the bait is gone, you’re ready to re-bait instantly without removing any residues. While the gel is designed to work in all water temperatures, it’s best to use in water temperatures below 65F.   (2 baits per pack)


  • Weight: 2.2 oz
  • Width: 7 in
  • Depth: 0.25 in
  • Height: 5 in

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